5 PML-N lawmakers formally submit resignations over inaction against Sanaullah

5 PML-N lawmakers formally submit resignations over inaction against Sanaullah

5 PML-N lawmakers formally submit resignations over inaction against Sanaullah

Five PML-N lawmakers formally submitted resignations to their respective assembly secretariats on Tuesday in protest over government inaction against Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah.
Resignation letters were submitted by two members of the National Assembly ─ Dr Nisar Ahmad Jutt and Ghulam Bibi Bharwana ─ and three members of the Punjab assembly ─ Maulana Rehmatullah, Khan Muhammad Baloch and Nizam-ud-Din Sialvi, who is the nephew of Pir Hameeduddin Sialvi, a former senator.
The resignation letters were submitted through Nizam-ud-Din's personal secretary days after the lawmakers announced their resignation at a Khatm-i-Nubuwat conference in Faisal­abad organised by Pir Sialvi.
The lawmakers had said that they would step down from their positions in the assemblies due to government inaction against Sanaullah, who came under fire from various quarters for his remarks regarding the status of Ahmadis in the country in a TV show. The provincial minister had said that his remarks had been “distorted and twisted by some rivals to take political advantage”.

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