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Showing posts with label Health & Fitness. Show all posts

Printable 15-Minute Abs Workout

Printable 15-Minute Abs Workout

4-Count Crunches

Use the abs to crunch up for 3 counts, and then slowly lower for 1 count.

Keep the naval pulled in towards your spine and your feet flat. Think about the shoulder blades lifting off of the mat as you crunch.

Exhale as you crunch up and inhale as you lower down.


10 reps

Use the abs to crunch up and then slowly lower down.

Keep the navel pulled in. You can keep you hands behind the head, crossed at your chest, or reaching down at your sides.

Exhale as you crunch up and inhale as you lower down.

Circle Crunches
10 reps
Use the abs and obliques to crunch in a circle—lifting up and left, to the top center, to the right and back down. Circle in the opposite direction to complete 1 rep.
Make your circular movement bigger to add challenge, or smaller to make it easier.
Exhale as you are crunching up and inhale as you lower down.

Crunches with Sweep
10 reps
Use your abs to crunch up. Sweep your left hand out, reaching towards your ankle. Sweep back to the center (shoulder blades still lifted), replacing that hand behind your head. Slowly lower down. Repeat on opposite side to complete 1 rep.
Exhale as you are crunching up and inhale as you lower down.

Bicycle Crunches
10 reps slow, 8 reps fast
Use your abs to crunch up, bending your right knee in towards your chest, extending your left leg, and twisting your left shoulder towards the right knee. Switch the leg pattern and twist to the opposite side to complete 1 rep.
Keep your shoulder blades lifted (so the abs are engaged) throughout this entire movement.
Exhale as you twist to the side and inhale as you transition through the center.

Reverse Crunches
12 reps
Start with your knees in line with your hips and shins parallel to the floor. Bring the knees in towards your chest and then back out to the start position. 
Use the arms for support at your sides. Don't allow your lower back to arch up from the floor.
Exhale as your bring the knees in, inhale as you release them back out.
Straight Leg Lowers
10 reps
Start with your knees in line with your hips and shins parallel to the floor. Bring the knees in towards your chest and then extend them up. Slowly lower your straight legs down towards the floor to complete one rep.
Don't let your lower back arch up. Place your hands under your lower back for additional support if needed.
Exhale as you lower your legs and inhale through the rest of the movement.

Abs Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Extend your arms overhead and your legs out. Stretch your abs, like you're reaching your fingertips and toes to opposite walls.
Breathe deeply.
Oblique Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Rock up to a seated position, legs extended. Bring your right leg in, keeping foot flat on the floor. Twist to the right side, wrapping your left arm around the right leg. Repeat on opposite side.
Breathe deeply.
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place hands directly under shoulders and balance weight between your hands and the balls of the feet. Your body should remain in a straight line and your abs should be pulled in tight.
Don't lift or droop the hips—keep them in line with the body. Make it easier by dropping to your elbows or to your knees.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 
Side Plank
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place elbow directly under the shoulder and stack your legs.  Lift hips up, balancing on your elbow and the side of the foot. Hold this position.
Make it easier by staggering your legs (one foot in front of the other) or dropping down to the knees instead of the feet.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 
Hip Lifts
8 reps
Lower back down to the floor from your plank. Pull the abs in tight and lift the hips back up towards the ceiling, then lower back down to the mat.
Make it easier by staggering your legs (one foot in front of the other) or dropping down to the knees instead of the feet.
Exhale as you lift up and inhale as you lower down.
Before moving on, repeat the Plank and Hip Lifts on the opposite side.
10 slow reps, hold, 8 pulses
Extend arms and legs while lying on your stomach. Lift opposite arm and leg up and slowly lower down. Repeat on other side to complete 1 rep.
Exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower.
Upward Dog Stretch

Hold for 10-30 seconds

Push yourself back onto hands and knees.
Slowly lower your hips down towards the floor and slightly extend legs.Pull shoulders down and look up towards the ceiling.
Breathe deeply. 
Child's Pose Stretch

Hold for 10-30 seconds

Starting on hands and knees, turn your toes under and shift your body weight back, over your heels.
Extend arms forward, relax through your shoulders and neck, and reach through fingertips.
Breathe deeply.
Cat Stretches
Hold each for 10-30 seconds
Push yourself back onto hands and knees.  Engage the abs and round the spine, looking towards your navel.
Reverse that movement by arching the back, dropping the belly down, and looking towards the ceiling.

4-Count Crunches

10 reps

Use the abs to crunch up for 3 counts, and then slowly lower for 1 count.

Keep the naval pulled in towards your spine and your feet flat. Think about the shoulder blades lifting off of the mat as you crunch.

Exhale as you crunch up and inhale as you lower down.


10 reps

Use the abs to crunch up and then slowly lower down.

Keep the navel pulled in. You can keep you hands behind the head, crossed at your chest, or reaching down at your sides.

Exhale as you crunch up and inhale as you lower down.

Circle Crunches
10 reps
Use the abs and obliques to crunch in a circle—lifting up and left, to the top center, to the right and back down. Circle in the opposite direction to complete 1 rep.
Make your circular movement bigger to add challenge, or smaller to make it easier.
Exhale as you are crunching up and inhale as you lower down.

Crunches with Sweep
10 reps
Use your abs to crunch up. Sweep your left hand out, reaching towards your ankle. Sweep back to the center (shoulder blades still lifted), replacing that hand behind your head. Slowly lower down. Repeat on opposite side to complete 1 rep.
Exhale as you are crunching up and inhale as you lower down.

Bicycle Crunches
10 reps slow, 8 reps fast
Use your abs to crunch up, bending your right knee in towards your chest, extending your left leg, and twisting your left shoulder towards the right knee. Switch the leg pattern and twist to the opposite side to complete 1 rep.
Keep your shoulder blades lifted (so the abs are engaged) throughout this entire movement.
Exhale as you twist to the side and inhale as you transition through the center.

Reverse Crunches
12 reps
Start with your knees in line with your hips and shins parallel to the floor. Bring the knees in towards your chest and then back out to the start position. 
Use the arms for support at your sides. Don't allow your lower back to arch up from the floor.
Exhale as your bring the knees in, inhale as you release them back out.
Straight Leg Lowers
10 reps
Start with your knees in line with your hips and shins parallel to the floor. Bring the knees in towards your chest and then extend them up. Slowly lower your straight legs down towards the floor to complete one rep.
Don't let your lower back arch up. Place your hands under your lower back for additional support if needed.
Exhale as you lower your legs and inhale through the rest of the movement.

Abs Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Extend your arms overhead and your legs out. Stretch your abs, like you're reaching your fingertips and toes to opposite walls.
Breathe deeply.
Oblique Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Rock up to a seated position, legs extended. Bring your right leg in, keeping foot flat on the floor. Twist to the right side, wrapping your left arm around the right leg. Repeat on opposite side.
Breathe deeply.
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place hands directly under shoulders and balance weight between your hands and the balls of the feet. Your body should remain in a straight line and your abs should be pulled in tight.
Don't lift or droop the hips—keep them in line with the body. Make it easier by dropping to your elbows or to your knees.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 
Side Plank
Hold for 10-30 seconds
Place elbow directly under the shoulder and stack your legs.  Lift hips up, balancing on your elbow and the side of the foot. Hold this position.
Make it easier by staggering your legs (one foot in front of the other) or dropping down to the knees instead of the feet.
Breathe steadily throughout the exercise. 
Hip Lifts
8 reps
Lower back down to the floor from your plank. Pull the abs in tight and lift the hips back up towards the ceiling, then lower back down to the mat.
Make it easier by staggering your legs (one foot in front of the other) or dropping down to the knees instead of the feet.
Exhale as you lift up and inhale as you lower down.
Before moving on, repeat the Plank and Hip Lifts on the opposite side.
10 slow reps, hold, 8 pulses
Extend arms and legs while lying on your stomach. Lift opposite arm and leg up and slowly lower down. Repeat on other side to complete 1 rep.
Exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower.
Upward Dog Stretch

Hold for 10-30 seconds

Push yourself back onto hands and knees.
Slowly lower your hips down towards the floor and slightly extend legs.Pull shoulders down and look up towards the ceiling.
Breathe deeply. 
Child's Pose Stretch

Hold for 10-30 seconds

Starting on hands and knees, turn your toes under and shift your body weight back, over your heels.
Extend arms forward, relax through your shoulders and neck, and reach through fingertips.
Breathe deeply.
Cat Stretches
Hold each for 10-30 seconds
Push yourself back onto hands and knees.  Engage the abs and round the spine, looking towards your navel.
Reverse that movement by arching the back, dropping the belly down, and looking towards the ceiling.